Hello! All you wonderful humans, aliens, mortals and immortals out there!

I hope my blog finds you in the best of health and spirits! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

Thanks for stopping by. Finally…out of Hibernation and back to reality.

It was great taking some time off….only…to NOT really take time off!

I would like to say one thing to everyone who believe they can NOT achieve their goals…. toss that negative thought and keep going towards positivism! Trust me – YOU CAN. Step out of your comfort zone and give it a try. 

I have completed my goals for 2017 and have officially become an Esthetician and Nail Tech (I still have to upload the rest of the drama that had unfolded this past year in class – for the series – The Chronicles of NailTopia – Week 1)


Moving Along….

As the year ends and the new year is thrown upon us…I would like you to reflect on what you have achieved this past year and what you have planned for next year. If you don’t have a plan, that is alright, just keep taking in the world one day at a time.

There is so much to be grateful for. There is so much to give thanks for. There is so much for you to look forward to. 

Why not give back to the much needed world that exists around you. Stop and take a look. You’ll be surprised at what you find. If you can’t give anything…give a smile…perhaps your smile is all that someone around you needs to keep going!

Wishing everyone from Ruby4Inspiration a wonderful Holiday and a Bright, Happy, and Prosperous New Year Ahead! 

p.s. I’m still on the look out for that amazing Agent that’ll call me…someday…I’m sure…and represent my book. 

However…the denials continue to pour….here are few more rejection emails I received…well rejection is part of the game…isn’t it?

(Okay…this is the longest rejection email I have gotten thus far…I mean seriously?)

Thank you for the interest in The Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency.

I do apologize for the delayed response. Due to my personalized letters, it does take me a long time to review every query and manuscript that I receive. As of September 2, 2016, my procedure for responding has changed. While I wish that I could continue my personalized letters, submissions have increased making it almost impossible to respond in a timely manner (hence the lateness of this).
My new procedure is below:
I will personally respond to any queries with the correct heading (will be given to you) in the subject line of the email, received from:
•       my request
•       offers (from another offering agent or a publication offer)
•       conferences/workshops/retreats/other events
•       contests (if a request has been made)
•       interviews (selective)
All other queries will receive a form letter, with a brief comment on why I’m passing. I thank you for your understanding and patience.
Regarding your submission, while there’s much to like, I’m afraid I’m not connecting enough emotionally to your characters, which ultimately means I’m not connecting enough with the content of your story.
As this is a subjective process, I do encourage you to continue honing your craft as you submit to other agents and editors. I also encourage more feedback from agents and editors before delving into extensive revisions.
One rejection from me is not a rejection on future manuscripts, and if you decide to submit again please put “2nd Query” in the subject line. As noted, I’ve updated my submissions’ procedure and the time of my response has improved drastically.
Thank you, again, for sharing this with me.
All my best,
Victoria A. Selvaggio  – Associate Agent


Thank you for sending your query. Unfortunately, I have to pass on this as it is not quite the right fit for me. I wish you the best success as you move forward in search of the right home for your work.
Best Regards,
Sue Miller – Literary Agent 


Thank you for giving the Darley Anderson Literary, TV & Film Agency a chance to consider your work. And for your patience in waiting for a reply.

Unfortunately, this is not right for us. We receive over 300 manuscripts a week and can only take on a handful of new writers and illustrators every year. The result is that we have to be incredibly selective, so please do not be too disheartened. Another agent may well feel differently.

We wish you the very best of luck in the future.

 Best wishes, Kristina


p.s.s. I’m also hoping to meet Ellen…well it didn’t happen in 2017…so perhaps 2018 will bring on better luck!

Keep Smiling and Keep Moving Forward!